Luhao's blog

"The palest ink is better than the best memory."

Spring AOP - All you need to know

Spring AOP - All you need to know

Wanted to review my knowledge of AOP in spring framework. Here is what I wrapped up from office Spring document....

Kotlin coroutine basics and some thoughts

Kotlin coroutine basics and some thoughts

Coroutine basics What is coroutine? A coroutine is an instance of suspendable computation. What does it do? It is conceptually...

Using bash $() in npm command

Using bash $() in npm command

Just want to note down what I found out to run bash command in npm script. Problem Suppose we have...

A recap of JavaScript module format

A recap of JavaScript module format

JavaScript has so many module formats due to historical reasons and that really confuses people for a long time

How to resolve peer dependency issue in npm

How to resolve peer dependency issue in npm

Background Recently I have been dealing with upgrading and tidy-ups against my team’s frontend project. Among them one of the...

Glance at Liquid template

Glance at Liquid template

A glance at Liquid template usedy Jekyll and How I build stylish "Tags" page in this blog system using Liquid...

How I passed CKA exam & some Pro tips

How I passed CKA exam & some Pro tips

Since the containerization become a trendy thingy in recent years, container ochestration has been coming out along with it as...



What is docker Docker is a container management service. The keywords of Docker are develop, ship and run anywhere. The...

Migrate from Wordpress to Jekyll

Migrate from Wordpress to Jekyll

For the past year, I have been using Wordpress to host my personal blogs which deployed on VPS from


Cookies Security

Honestly, I was curious about the “cookie” promopt all the time but I didn’t really care about it until I...



Decorator is the new feature of ES7! Well, it isn’t really a standard feature now. It’s in Stage 2, but,...



RxJS RxJS is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences. Think of RxJS as Lodash...


JavaScript Testing Review

I’d like to come back to where we can re-discuss about JavaScript testing, since unit test, tdd and bdd are...


Tagged Template Literals

I didn’t notice that the back quote’s meaning in the styled-components until today! I have been using styled-components for a...

Render Props vs. HOC

Render Props vs. HOC

When “Render Props” hits me, I was a little shocked because I couldn’t recall any memories about it. So I...


Writing NFTS disk on MAC

Normally, you can only process reading instead of writing on the pluggable disk of NTFS format when you insert it...


Perfomance Optimization for Frontend

Some techniques of optimising performance in web development


Agile and Scrum

We are in agile/scrum development every day. But how many of us can really speck out the theory of agile...


A new start

I haven't update my blog for a couple of months because I was too busy.There were too many things to...


Machine Learning

Just some basic concepts of Machine Learning