Migrate from Wordpress to Jekyll

 · 1 min read

For the past year, I have been using Wordpress to host my personal blogs which deployed on VPS from linode.com. The reason I did this is to enjoy the full control of a website while surfing the internet withour any restrictions from China GFW by setting up a Shadowsocks server on it.

Now that I am in NZ now, it seems I don’t need it anymore as it costs me money every hour, although not much.

I find the GitHub Pages is the best place for hosting the static pages and Jekyll template engine happens to show me the feasibility of dynamic features with a bunch of plugins. So the answer to the question that whether I should migrate from Wordpress to Jekyll turns out to be, ‘Why not?’

Learn more about GitHub Pages and Jekyll.

Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs.

You only need a few steps to set up your personal page.

  1. Create a repository named username.github.io
  2. Set up Jekyll’s environment, which requires Ruby, Gem, etc
  3. Choose a Jekyll theme, unless you want to build from scratch
  4. Fork or download it, then make changes to yours
  5. Upload to GitHub, done!