Perfomance Optimization for Frontend

 · 1 min read


  • reducing HTTP request: merge files, Css sprite, inline image
  • reducing DNS lookup: DNS cache, appropriate resource distribution
  • avoiding redirecting:get rid of unnecessary jump
  • Ajax caching
  • lazy loading
  • preloading
  • reducing DOM nodes
  • putting resources under different domains
  • reducing iframes


  • CDN
  • reponse header: Expires, Cache-Control
  • gzip compression
  • ETag configuration: it is an identifier for a specific version of a resource, web server does not need to send a full response if the content has not changed
  • Flush Buffer Early: sends a partial HTML response to the browser to start fetching components and rendering the response while the backend can continue creating the rest of the HTML page.
  • Ajax using GET for requesting
  • avoiding empty src of img tag
  • limiting the size of cookie
  • no cookie when introducing resources


  • putting style sheet at the top
  • no CSS expressions
  • no Filter of IE


  • puting script at the bottom
  • loading javascript, css from other files
  • compressed javascript and css
  • deleting unnecessary scripts
  • reducing DOM munipulations
  • well-designed event listening and capturing 合理设计事件监听器


  • optimized images
  • css sprite
  • no stretching image in HTML
  • small favicon.ico and caching


  • components smaller than 25k
  • Pack Components into a Multipart Document


  • hash-table for searching
  • less global variables
  • reducing DOM munipulations
  • using setTimeout for avoiding stuck
  • caching result of DOM searching
  • avoiding CSS Expression
  • avoiding with in javascript
  • merging variable declarations
  • avoiding empty src of image and iframe (empty src leads reloading the page)
  • avoiding style attributes in HTML

performance evaluation tools

  • PageSpeed
  • YSlow
