Thoughts on JavaScript

 · 1 min read

Last year, I have read a article about javascript topics, from a tech savvy guy.

Top JavaScript Frameworks & Topics to Learn in 2017

This year, He wrote another blog analyzing and anticipating the top javascript tech to learn in 2018.

Top JavaScript Libraries & Tech to Learn in 2018

I strongly suggest you to read them all, you can see his predicts are kind of accurate.

For a long time, I have not been learning javascript and web engineering systematically, and now I want to take it seriously and methodically learn them. So let’s list what I considered the most important and imperative:

  1. ES6: I have worked on it but only used a little of it. I am willing to use more upon my projects.
  2. Functional programming: I am still on the level of “knowing”, so I need to read more and dig deeper in this realm.
  3. Builtin methods: There continues to come out new methods on built-in objects and types, so go on keeping a close eyes on them.
  4. TypeScript: deserve a try. More and more people start to learn it.
  5. IDE: turning from sublime to vscode which has a very large amount of plugins and integrated funtions, besides it supports TS very well.
  6. Webpack: try to understand its complicated configurations and sometimes customized my own config.
  7. node&npm: using node to write some small applications, get used to all kinds of command of npm, including git I think.
  8. Vue: have learnt it not going further. Vue is much lightweight and has a shortest path to get familiar, compared with React and angular. It is much more popular than angular in China, following after React.
  9. React: That’s what I want to dedicate to with my full heart this year, including Redux and the mainstream tools and libraries around this ecosystem.